Phoenix Dodo Butterfly – research and background;
a short reading list of works and people consulted
Books on farming and culture of farming:
Field Work – Bella Bathurst
Books on Regenerative Farming and Netzero
Land Healer – Jake Fiennes
Wilding – Isabella Tree
Net Zero, Food and Farming – Neil Ward
Books on soil and farming
Regenesis – George Monbiot
Books on the Insect crisis
The insect Crisis – Oliver Millman
Books on Flooding
The Great Flood – Edward Platt
Six Inches of Soil
Local initiatives in regenerative agriculture
Wendling Beck
Mainstream farms
Yare Valley Farm, Surlingham
Network of research into netzero and agrifood
AFN Network+
Regional farming networks
Norwich links
Sustainable Food Norwich
Norwich Farmshare
Rupert Read’s book that inspired Steve’s writing of the three linked playlets, PDB: This civilisation is finished. Now available to read free online here